Thursday, November 8, 2007

About the French #4

Today I had my first experience with a French gynecologist and it was quite intersting so I thought I’d share. Oh, you boys out there may want to stop reading now…

The doctor's office was located in a posh, residential neighborhood in Paris and once I stepped into the building’s courtyard, I saw 3 identical doors leading to God knows where… no sign, nothing to help me out. So I stood there looking around blankly until a nice lady took pity on me and pointed me to the door that supposedly lead to the doctor’s office.

There was a scroll box next to the door so I found the doctor’s name (or what I guessed was her name, I didn’t really understand it on the phone when I made the appointment), pressed the call button and I was buzzed into an empty room. No receptionist, no front desk, nothing. Just a few couches, a bookshelf, a coffee table and stacks of magazines. I walked up and down the different hallways a few times, sure I’d missed something or was in the wrong place. For a second, I even thought I had gone into someone’s apartment by mistake so I walked outside to check the front door and saw a tiny little plaque that read “Médcin”. So I just took a seat and waited to see what would happen.

Turned out the place is like a one-stop shop—the GYN is the receptionist, the doorperson, the accountant, the nurse and the doctor all rolled into one. Pretty funny…

Five minutes later, she appears out of nowhere and calls my name. She ushers me into her “office” which was simply a room the size of my studio that had a desk and a little alcove area that held the examining table and a bunch of medical machines. After taking a few minutes to ask me the routine questions (which was a bit of a challenge considering she spoke very little English and obviously my French is atrocious), she gets up from her desk, walks over to the little exam area, turns to me and says, “Ok, get undressed over there” pointing to a corner of the room.

Now we all know that in the States the doctor politely leaves the room and gives you 5 long minutes of privacy to get undressed, neatly fold your clothes and hide your underwear, and cover yourself in a nice little modest gown while you sit and wait for her to return and knock on the door to make sure you're "ready & decent". But does that happen in France? Of course not! The GYN just made up the table then stood there waiting for me to finish getting undressed. I hesitated when I got down to my underwear (she couldn’t be expecting me to strip down naked right in front of her?) but she just laughed and said, “No, everything”. At this point, I’m slightly mortified to be walking clear across the room to the table, stark naked in front of a woman I’ve never met before in my life… but the French don’t have the same inhibitions about the naked body that we do in the States so it was just not a big deal.

It really made me realize how prudent Americans are in pretty much every area of our lives (TV, advertising, etc). Even in a big, modern city like New York, a doctor would never expect you to prance around her office nude. Sure, they end up seeing everything anyway, but you always get that paper gown to cover up with so that you can at least PRETEND that you’re holding onto a bit of privacy. Whereas here in France, the thought of covering up in front of your doctor is so ridiculously pointless it doesn’t even cross their mind… so when in France!


Black Wombmyn Chat said...

Pretty different from my first gyno experience here in Japan. I was given a prim black skirt to wear and a thick black curtain separated me from the doctor and nurses.

After I undressed in a tiny private room, there was a chair that I was told to sit on which then moved, TURNED and LIFTED my a@$ up into the air as the curtain fell upon my waist--still separating me from the others.

I then watched the insides of my uterus on this huge ultra-sound monitor.

Almost seemed like an episode from Star Trek!

Stacy said...

that is hilarious! such a huge difference between France and Japan-- sounds about right!

K said...

Hiya, I just found your blog and LOVE IT. I love reading about different cultural experiences from a black girl's POV, so please don't be alarmed, but I'm probably going to comment A LOT. I've lived in Japan (have read DMB's blog) and currently live in England with my Scottish fiance. I visited Paris in February and fell in love and will go back soon.

Anyway, about this post - too funny. Growing up in Quebec, you have no time to be modest - very much the influence of the French. Whenever I've gone to get waxed or check out at the doctor's I just strip without hesitation. Is that a bad thing?

BTW, didn't like my experience with the Gyno here in England. Kinda dirty and sterile/unsterile at the same time...

Stacy said...

haha @ kaki-- sounds like you're becoming "un-Americanized" from living overseas so long! oddly enough, im kind of getting used to it too!
and feel free to comment as often as you like! thanks for stopping by! :o)