Saturday, August 15, 2009

About that date...

Just a word that I didn’t end up going on the date with Morocco the other night. I got an email from a friend inviting me to join her and her coworkers for an improptu picnic at Invalides that evening. That sounded like much more fun (and it was! I love meeting new people... funny that it always ends up being expat girls and their French husbands) so I texted him and told him that something came up.

The next morning I received this via text message:
Fitting, considering we met in a flower stall J

I know he leaves for vacation this weekend so I guess that’s that. Can’t say I’m too disappointed so that tells you how excited I was about that guy. I guess this means I need to get out there and find myself a real first date!


Rhona said...

I am sort of relieved as men spending that much on a first date can be scary.....his intentions that is.
Can't wait for part 2 of the ex.

Stacy said...

My thoughts exactly!